Guernsey Press

Deputy Tasker loses seat on St Peter Port douzaine

DEPUTY Jenny Tasker has lost her seat on St Peter Port's douzaine.


DEPUTY Jenny Tasker has lost her seat on St Peter Port's douzaine.

Results from last night's election showed Deputy Tasker received the least votes out of the six candidates contesting the five seats on the douzaine.

A total of 994 parishioners voted at the Constables Office yesterday – a percentage poll of 4.26%. There were two spoilt papers. Robert Grant received the most votes with 193, followed by Richard Lord with 187, Keith Fisher with 175, Peter Wilson received 167 and finally Lester Queripel with 150. Deputy Tasker, who sits on Environment, Education and Home, had 122 votes.

It was the first time Richard Lord has stood for the position and, after an eager wait outside, he was ecstatic with the result.

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