Education has failed
MULTIPLE failings in Education have been confirmed by an independent report released today.

MULTIPLE failings in Education have been confirmed by an independent report released today.
Ordered on the back of stark revelations about falling GCSE standards at the island's high schools, the Denis Mulkerrin review is a damning indictment of how the service is run.
It recommends wholesale changes in how schools are managed and condemns politicians and senior management for letting the situation develop.
Education has defended the service and its director over the years, but among failings identified are that a slow recruitment process means the best teachers are not employed, head teachers do not have enough control and that problems are covered up by a policy of not publishing full exam results or validation reports.
'The poor GCSE results at La Mare de Carteret and St Sampson's High Schools are a symptom of a larger problem in the management and structure of education in Guernsey,' Mr Mulkerrin said in the report.
Click here to download the full report as a PDF.