Inconsistent teaching standards hold back the pupils
INCONSISTENCIES in teaching standards at St Sampson's High School mean many students do not achieve the grades they are capable of, an independent inspection has found.

INCONSISTENCIES in teaching standards at St Sampson's High School mean many students do not achieve the grades they are capable of, an independent inspection has found.
Validators put forward a host of recommendations for raising standards and said securing 'rapid, significant and sustained improvement' in maths was an 'urgent and overriding priority'.
A team of inspectors visited the school over three days at the end of last year and lead validator Barry King said overall standards were not high enough. He said there were unusually large differences between students' GCSE results across different subjects.
But Mr King said the head teacher was driving through important improvements.
Validation reports for five other recently-inspected schools are available at They are: La Houguette, St Andrews, St Sampsons Infants, Le Murier and Notre Dame.