Heads welcome Education report
PUBLISHING Education's annual report not only brings more transparency, but also give schools an opportunity to say how they are improving, primary school heads have said.

PUBLISHING Education's annual report not only brings more transparency, but also give schools an opportunity to say how they are improving, primary school heads have said.
But they warned parents not to take at face value the statistical performance results, which showed around 30% of children did not reach the learning level set for English and maths by the end of Year 6 in 2011.
Seven primary schools – Amherst, Castel, Hautes Capelles, La Mare de Carteret, Vauvert, St Andrew's and Vale – were below the Bailiwick average for English and maths, which stood at 67 % and 71% respectively.
Vauvert head teacher Phillip Lowe said it was important not to look at the statistics in isolation.
Amherst head teacher Tracey Moore said the school's projected attainment levels for 2012 were much higher.