Schools 'may have to close'
PRIMARY schools are still in the firing line for closure, outgoing deputy Carol Steere has warned.

PRIMARY schools are still in the firing line for closure, outgoing deputy Carol Steere has warned.
St Andrew's Primary School and St Sampson's Infants School were nearly shut three years ago as the number of primary school pupils fell island-wide. Both schools were saved in 2009 following a campaign by the PTAs.
But on yesterday's BBC Guernsey phone-in, the former Education Minister said that the States needed to make savings.
'We look at education and the number of spare places within the primary sector,' she said. 'The fact is there that there is a large number of spare places and it may well mean a complete relook at the catchment areas and may well mean that schools may have to close. There will be savings and there are savings to be had there of course.'