Youth activities will mean fewer 'idiots in the classroom'
YOUNGSTERS who are involved in extra curricular activities are less likely to be 'idiots' in the classroom', the man who carried out the review on Guernsey's secondary education said.

YOUNGSTERS who are involved in extra curricular activities are less likely to be 'idiots' in the classroom', the man who carried out the review on Guernsey's secondary education said.
Denis Mulkerrin, known locally for his highly critical review of secondary education after poor GCSE results at two of the three high schools last year, said that if more young people took part in activities outside of their school life, the more self-respect they would learn and less trouble would be caused in classrooms.
Speaking to volunteers at the Guernsey Youth Service as part of a training weekend, Mr Mulkerrin, who is also on the executive committee of the Youth Partnership of Guernsey and Alderney, praised the work carried out by youth workers.
'From speaking to politicians in the past and from doing a review on secondary education it is clear to see that more money is needed for youth groups. If you do that you will have far fewer idiots in the classroom and they will not have the need to do something stupid,' he said.