La Mare gets new head
PARENTS of La Mare de Carteret High pupils have agreed with a validation report's findings that the school had failed their children - but they also acknowledged that it was now moving in the right direction.

PARENTS of La Mare de Carteret High pupils have agreed with a validation report's findings that the school had failed their children - but they also acknowledged that it was now moving in the right direction.
A summary of the report was sent to parents yesterday - the day that deputy head teacher Vicky Godley was confirmed as the school's new head - and those spoken to by the Guernsey Press were unsurprised by the damning findings of the validation.
The report, however, also highlighted the many positive moves made by La Mare's new senior management team, led by acting head Geoff Cowley who, it said, had given a frank assessments of the school's failings and halted its decline.
Parents agreed and were full of praise for the new regime.