Guernsey Press

Sark traditions are 'trampled underfoot by wealthy men'

TRENCHANT criticism of Sir David and Sir Frederick Barclay, their legal advisers in both the UK and Guernsey, and Kevin Delaney, the managing director of Sark Estate Management, came from a number of quarters in Sark's Chief Pleas yesterday.


TRENCHANT criticism of Sir David and Sir Frederick Barclay, their legal advisers in both the UK and Guernsey, and Kevin Delaney, the managing director of Sark Estate Management, came from a number of quarters in Sark's Chief Pleas yesterday.

Seneschal Reg Guille said that the island's rights, customs, privileges and traditions had been 'trampled underfoot by wealthy men', aided in their assaults on Sark's way of life by expensive law firms in the UK and Guernsey.

Lt-Col Guille went on to accuse the UK government of not properly protecting Sark and added that the island was pleaded with to make changes to the Seneschal's involvement in government in order to protect the Guernsey Bailiff's dual role.

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