'Green shoots of recovery' at La Mare
LA Mare de Carteret Primary School is showing the 'green shoots of recovery,' but its validation report states a 'legacy of underachievement' remains.

LA Mare de Carteret Primary School is showing the 'green shoots of recovery,' but its validation report states a 'legacy of underachievement' remains.
The report was released this morning – its first since March 2007.
In the three years until 2011 standards declined in Key Stage 2 – Years 3 to 6 – so that they became well below the Bailiwick averages, especially in writing and maths.
'The initiatives the school has implemented, especially since September 2011, have been successful in raising standards in Key Stage 1 to around the Bailiwick's 2011 averages,' it said.
Head teacher Jacqui Williams said the validation report represented an accurate reflection of the school's own self-evaluation.