Guernsey Press

Guardian probe shifts focus to supplements

Guernsey's move to adopt European standards on mail order vitamins and health supplements is featured in today's Guardian.


Guernsey's move to adopt European standards on mail order vitamins and health supplements is featured in today's Guardian.

The newspaper refers to the '£100m. trade that has sprung up on the island'.

According to British-based rivals of companies such as Healthspan, few British customers know that, unlike in the UK, there are no laws in Guernsey to regulate food supplements, nutritional information, or health claims.

A Guernsey spokesperson is quoted as saying that ministers were committed to introducing new laws and officials were currently drafting legislation.

The Guardian is currently undertaking an investigation into the Channel Islands and yesterday focused on Sark.

It highlighted the long-running dispute between Sir David and Sir Frederick Barclay, the Sark Newsletter and islanders.

The article also featured comments from Minister of State for Justice Lord McNally, pictured, who is quoted as warning Sir David and Sir Frederick that he would not let them turn the island into a 'company town'.

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