Newsroom Live - 5 July, 2012
THE new Beaucamps High School opens in September, and today local media has a chance to take a tour of the new school and find out what's in store for pupils.

THE new Beaucamps High School opens in September, and today local media has a chance to take a tour of the new school and find out what's in store for pupils.
We've got a reporter and photographer going along and there'll be a report and photos in tomorrows Press.
Following the news that Southampton General Hospital's children's cardiac unit has been saved, we'll be looking to talk to more local campaigners and health professionals today to get their reaction.
An application has been made by the Guernsey Housing Association to build 14 new flats on the site of the former South Legion Hall at Route des Coutures in St Martin's. We'll be talking to current residents of the area about the proposals to see what they think.
We've a story in today's paper in which Town Market developer Brett Allen talks about what he thinks could make the area more vibrant, and we've got more to come from our interview with him in tomorrow's paper.
And we'll be interviewing Environment minister Roger Domaille about the bus service, since it's emerged that the department sent several civil servants 'under cover' onto various buses.
Our sports department is working on a two page feature on last weekend's Beau Sejour Barracudas Open Swim Meet, in which several records fell, and they're also talking to the captains of the two cricket teams scheduled to play in the GPL final on Saturday.