Guernsey Press

Sark Electricity boss slams regulator over 'indecision'

GUERNSEY'S utility watchdog's inability to decide whether Sark is getting a good deal for its power supply is no reason to plunge the island into a mire of regulation, Sark Electricity has said.


GUERNSEY'S utility watchdog's inability to decide whether Sark is getting a good deal for its power supply is no reason to plunge the island into a mire of regulation, Sark Electricity has said.

Its head, David Gordon-Brown, said the company had no choice but to declare its profit levels on its bills later this month.

It follows moves by Sark's General Purposes and Advisory Committee to begin drafting regulation legislation after a review from the Office of Utility Regulation said a lack of information from the company had prevented it from discovering whether islanders were getting a fair deal.

But Mr Gordon-Brown hit back in a letter to all conseillers saying the watchdog had branded Sark Electricity as uncooperative just because the utility had refused to allow it to publish commercially sensitive information.

But committee chairman Charles Maitland defended the committee's moves saying they had a responsibility to protect islanders.

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