Judges start tour on a high note
BRITAIN in Bloom judges Nigel Bishop and Sue Wood started this year's judging with a day on Herm.

BRITAIN in Bloom judges Nigel Bishop and Sue Wood started this year's judging with a day on Herm.
We were being judged in the Small Coastal category, for places with a population of fewer than 12,000. With a population of 60, Herm fits in quite easily.
Combining a tour of the island with meeting island residents, the judges looked at flower and tree planting, beekeeping and honey, upkeep of the public areas and recycling, to name just a few points.
The tour ended at the school garden. Despite it being the holidays and a Saturday, teacher Mary Carey had managed to gather all the children in school uniform and had prepped them to give a presentation.
This year, the school garden has been designed in the colours of the Olympic rings and the school's projects have reflected this, with blue for water and the Titanic, red for Macbeth and blood, green for plants and the environment, black for segregation and the civil rights movement and yellow for sunshine and honey. They also grew white carnations in honour of the school's chosen writer for the year, Oscar Wilde, who loved the flowers and wore one in his lapel every day.
For years, there has been a little bench in the school playground, but the old one was getting a bit worn.
With a bit of research, the school was able to source a new bench made from 1,000 recycled water bottles. It is eco-friendly – and extremely comfortable, according to the children.
The judges were impressed with the children and their knowledge. Mr Bishop felt it was clear they had researched their subjects and all knew exactly what they were talking about.
Both judges are new to Herm, although Ms Cook had been in the past for a day trip.
'It is a beautiful island,' she said. 'As we approached on the boat, it took me back to all the Enid Blyton books I read as a child.'
Mr Bishop was struck by the community spirit they encountered.
'What really comes across here is the enthusiasm that everyone feels towards the island,' he said. 'It really is like one big family.'
As this was just the start of the judging tour, neither judge wanted to comment on how Herm compared with its competitors, but Ms Cook was happy to say that it was lovely to start the judging on such a high note.