Guernsey Press

Treasury staff heads' roles are States-wide, not departmental

TWO senior civil servants chosen to head up Treasury have been appointed to 'States-wide' roles and not purely departmental ones, the States' chief executive has said.


TWO senior civil servants chosen to head up Treasury have been appointed to 'States-wide' roles and not purely departmental ones, the States' chief executive has said.

Mike Brown, pictured, spoke to clarify the new set-up at Treasury and Resources as its restructuring in the wake of the fallout from the £2.6m. con took shape.

Mr Brown said his decision to move Bethan Haines from her role as chief accountant to States treasurer, and Simon Elliott from States head of human resources to States chief corporate resources officer, was about defining clear roles within his executive leadership team.

He said the civil service had been 'a bit rigid' since the 10 States departments were introduced in 2004, each with its own chief officer.

'When thinking of senior roles you have to think States first, department second,' he said.

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