Guernsey Press

Affordable housing quality 'is in crisis'

POLITICIANS must face the ugly truth that quality affordable housing is in crisis, a States member who struggled to find a home has said.


POLITICIANS must face the ugly truth that quality affordable housing is in crisis, a States member who struggled to find a home has said.

Deputy Laurie Queripel, pictured, who was recently forced to live in a friend's spare room after moving out of his brother's accommodation at Maison Maritaine, said he had immense sympathy with people who faced potential homelessness or who were living in sub-standard temporary accommodation.

'It leaves one feeling hopeless and helpless – most unpleasant,' he said.

He added the work of the corporate housing programme was helping but not working quickly enough.

'It is an ugly reality that some may prefer to see languish in a dark corner but it is an inconvenient truth that has to be faced and dealt with,' he said.

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