Guernsey Press

'Thank you for making it happen'

LES Bourgs Hospice celebrated yesterday after hitting its £4m. redevelopment target.


LES Bourgs Hospice celebrated yesterday after hitting its £4m. redevelopment target.

The three-year fund-raising appeal – to demolish the old building and develop a hospice facility fit for the 21st century – came to an end after the latest lottery raised £300,000 for the charity.

Board of governors chairman Mike Tanguy was delighted to announce that the appeal – for which the Guernsey Press was media partner – has now closed.

'It is extremely humbling for me to make the announcement as we couldn't have done it without the fantastic support of islanders who have taken this appeal to their hearts and helped us raise more money for one charitable project than has ever been raised in Guernsey before.

'From everyone involved with the hospice, the board of governors, the staff, the Friends and the volunteers, we have to thank every person, whether they gave £1 or thousands. They have ensured that islanders with life-limiting illnesses have use of what is a truly fabulous facility.'

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