Sark policing queried after vine vandalism
SARK Estate Management managing director Kevin Delaney has questioned the adequacy of policing in Sark after thousands of pounds worth of damage was caused to island vineyards.

SARK Estate Management managing director Kevin Delaney has questioned the adequacy of policing in Sark after thousands of pounds worth of damage was caused to island vineyards.
The island constable is investigating vandalism that occurred on Friday night and again some time over Sunday evening.
But Kevin Delaney criticised Sark's establishment for its failure to deal with a number of incidents, including a threat to shoot Mr Delaney in the legs and explosives that were set off outside SEM's offices.
Mr Delaney said criminal acts of whatever kind could no longer be tolerated.
'Harassment, bullying and intimidation are all part of the feudal system which empowers the extremists who see to it that people do not step out of line,' he said yesterday.