Sark's civil servant sets out proposals for island reform
REFORM proposals from Sark's first full-time civil servant were published yesterday.

REFORM proposals from Sark's first full-time civil servant were published yesterday.
Two of the reports written by Colin Kniveton, pictured, were posted on the Chief Pleas website.
Proposals in the two reports published yesterday – one on the number of committees and another on the civil service set-up – included:
the creation of three key full-time positions as part of a public sector support team. This would be headed by a senior administrator and also include a treasurer and assessor/collector of taxes.
consolidating the current 16 committees down to six, with an additional chairmens committee similar to Guernseys Policy Council.
All of Mr Kniveton's work is currently with GP&A, which will decide how many recommendations it takes to Chief Pleas for a final decision.