Education's plans to review 11-plus system no surprise to deputies
A REVIEW of the 11-plus is no shock to deputies for and against selection, they have said.

A REVIEW of the 11-plus is no shock to deputies for and against selection, they have said.
Education's new vision document has outlined its intentions to carry out an investigation into the system with a view to bringing proposals to the States next year.
Deputy Dave Jones voted in favour of the successful bid to keep the 11-plus the last time politicians debated the issue in 2001.
'I've never been a fan of a one-size-fits-all philosophy – children grow at different rates and learn at different speeds,' he said.
However, 11-plus opposer Deputy Mike Hadley, pictured, said Education should have gone further than just committing to a review of the system.
'I think the 11-plus draws a sharp line where the line is blurred – a comprehensive system would give children a chance to develop and make up lost ground and move up the field,' he said.