Let's make some noise
CLAP-banners will be given to Guernsey FC fans tomorrow when they arrive at Footes Lane for the match against Spennymoor Town.
CLAP-banners will be given to Guernsey FC fans tomorrow when they arrive at Footes Lane for the match against Spennymoor Town.
Donated by Fusion Nightclub, 3,000 of the noisemakers will be handed out in time for the 3pm kick-off as part of efforts to 'turn the lane green'.
The banners will have both club and nightclub logos along with the #3000Fans Twitter campaign GFC is using in the run up to the game.
Lyrics to fan-favourite song 'We are the Guernsey Boys' will also be printed on the devices.
Guernsey FC chairman Steve Dewsnip said the clap-banners would really add to the air of excitement.