'Sark must change,' UK minister insists
ARK'S parliament has been left with a clear message to change after the UK minister with responsibility for the Crown Dependencies left counseillers with a list of areas to tackle.

SARK'S parliament has been left with a clear message to change after the UK minister with responsibility for the Crown Dependencies left counseillers with a list of areas to tackle.
During a strongly worded speech to Chief Pleas on Wednesday, Lord McNally used a quote from the Sark Scribe to hammer home his desire that counseillers start to tackle key issues.
Lord McNally, pictured, admitted to being very frustrated with Chief Pleas' decision last week to reject proposals to appoint a full-time administrator.
He also acknowledged the intention was for his speech to be strong.
'It was meant to be because we have relatively short time on these visits and I also think the problems facing Sark are quite urgent,' he said. 'I did not think it was the time to mince words.'
Read the interview with Lord McNally ,and a full transcript of his speech, in the Guernsey Press