Guernsey Press

Floral Guernsey daffodil in bloom

A DAFFODIL hybrid named after Floral Guernsey has been blooming in Saumarez Park for the first time.


A DAFFODIL hybrid named after Floral Guernsey has been blooming in Saumarez Park for the first time.

But it could be a while before islanders can get hold of the bulb themselves.

Specialist flower breeder and Britain in Bloom judge Rae Beckwith cultivated the daffodil and donated some bulbs to Floral Guernsey to mark the group's 20th anniversary.

Over the last few weeks the flowers have started to bloom outside the Victorian Walled Kitchen Garden.

Floral Guernsey vice-chairman John Woodward said they looked great. 'The flowers are a wonderful colour,' he said. 'It is pure-white petals with a red cup, so it really stands out.'

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