New school will give pupils same chance as their peers
PROVIDING continuity of education by turning the Link Centre into a school will be the key to giving its pupils the same opportunities as their mainstream peers, Education has said.

PROVIDING continuity of education by turning the Link Centre into a school will be the key to giving its pupils the same opportunities as their mainstream peers, Education has said.
The St Peter Port facility for children with social, emotional and behavioural difficulties is set to become Les Voies School in September.
Head of SEBD services Jonathan Furley, who will become the new school's head teacher, said the change was about making sure the best opportunities were available for children.
'If it is appropriate for young people to go back to mainstream schools that doesn't change. However, there will be students who have needs that can't be met by mainstream schools,' he said.
'Inclusion is not about a mainstream setting but for each child having the same opportunities as their peers, no matter where those opportunities are provided.'