Celebrating the work of volunteers
ISLANDERS who give up their spare time to do unpaid work for charities and organisations will be recognised during the next seven days.

ISLANDERS who give up their spare time to do unpaid work for charities and organisations will be recognised during the next seven days.
Today marks the beginning of Volunteers' Week, aimed at thanking volunteers for their hard work.
The Guernsey Press will publish a feature each day of the next week celebrating those who selflessly give up their time for the community.
Association of Guernsey Charities vice-chairman Malcolm Woodhams, pictured, said he was looking forward to the next seven days.
'Volunteers' Week is something that has run in the UK for many years and for the past couple of years the Association of Guernsey Charities has taken the opportunity to publicise the huge importance of volunteering activity in the island,' he said.
For more information about the week, visit charity.org.gg or facebook.com/guernseycharities.
People who want to volunteer can visit volunteer.gg.