Review results on Link Centre change to remain unpublished
EDUCATION will release only the recommendations of a report that led to the conversion of the Link Centre into a school, not the whole document, its minister has said.

EDUCATION will release only the recommendations of a report that led to the conversion of the Link Centre into a school, not the whole document, its minister has said.
However, Deputy Robert Sillars (pictured) said the department's officers were working on recommendations for a new policy governing the release of information, so that in the future there would be a presumption for all documents to be published.
The announcement that the Link Centre – used by children with social, emotional and behavioural difficulties – was set to become Les Voies School in September was made last month.
Education said the move was a result of an independent review of the service. At the time, deputy minister Andrew Le Lievre said the review results could not be released without the permission of the author. And Deputy Sillars has now confirmed Education will release only a summary of the document's recommendations, within the next three weeks, as doing otherwise would have been difficult.