TV personality opens restored German bunker
A RESTORED German bunker has been opened in Alderney by TV presenter Miranda Krestovnikoff.

A RESTORED German bunker has been opened in Alderney by TV presenter Miranda Krestovnikoff, pictured.
The bunker was built as an observation post overlooking the island's Battery Quarry and has views spanning Braye Harbour and around to the west of the island.
Alderney Wildlife Trust volunteers have been working since February to renovate the bunker.
AWT Reserves officer Phil Henderson said: 'This bunker would have been an observation point, part of the network of defensive features the Germans put into this area at Les Rochers. It was chosen to be dug out mainly because it offers really good views over the quarry and the harbour, plus the chance to spot birds like buzzards.'
During the work a floor was laid, walls painted, benches installed and information panels put in place.
Construction firm Ronez helped build a ladder and viewing platform.
The bunker is next to Alderney's TV transmitting dish in the middle of the community woodland, which has seen some 10,000 trees planted over the past five years by wildlife volunteers.
The bunker will eventually feature on a discovery trail in the area.