Beau Sejour being transformed ready for 2013 HomeLife Show
WORK has begun to transform the two halls at Beau Sejour in preparation for the biggest consumer event to take place in the island for six years.
WORK has begun to transform the two halls at Beau Sejour in preparation for the biggest consumer event to take place in the island for six years.
Both the Sir John Loveridge and David Ferguson Halls are being kitted out with display stands which will be occupied by over 70 businesses at the Guernsey Press HomeLife Show.
'We started first thing this morning by rolling out over 400m of carpet into the Loveridge Hall and then followed on by marking out the display spaces,' said show director Julie Settle yesterday.
To help set up the show Mrs Settle has engaged the services of young people from Action for Children.
'Three young men from the charity are working alongside our professional build-team over the next four days. They will help with all aspects of putting the show together. We aim to give them the opportunity to see this project through from start to finish when the show actually opens to the public. And they'll be back with us next Monday to help breakdown the stands and clear the halls,' she said.
As soon as the display areas are in place exhibitors from the UK, Jersey and Guernsey will be setting up their displays.
'This event has been two years in the planning and it's great to see it all coming together now,' said Mrs Settle. 'Visitors to the show will find much to interest them with a really comprehensive range of products and services on offer.'
The Health Promotion Unit will have a stand at the show to promote its healthy lifestyle courses.
'We provide a variety of different services and we thought the HomeLife Show was a great opportunity to show how we can help people Eat Wise, Move Wise and Live Wise.
'We will have leaflets on all the different courses available as well as information on many aspects of keeping healthy,' said Health promotion manager Yvonne Le Page.
The Guernsey Press HomeLife Show opens at noon on Friday and continues throughout the weekend. On Saturday and Sunday parents can leave their young children with the Sunshine Nursery Creche while they explore the show, and there is entertainment for older children with face painters as well as ceramic painting and screen printing workshops. For full details go to
Show times: Friday 8 November noon to 7pm, Saturday 9 November 10am to 7pm and Sunday 10 November 10am to 6pm.
Adults £3.50, children under 14 £1.50.
There will be free entry to the Quayside Stage Kitchen demonstrations throughout the three days in the Concourse.
See tomorrow's 24-page special show supplement in the Guernsey Press for more