Backing sought for £3m. loan to replace Aurigny Trislanders
DEPUTIES will be asked to guarantee a £3m. loan for the replacement of the island's ageing Trislander fleet.

A report, which will be debated at the May States meeting, focuses on how States-owned airline Aurigny is looking to purchase three second-hand Dornier aircraft to operate the lifeline routes to Alderney.
Alderney services are expected to cost Aurigny £900,000 this year. The new aircraft would see that cost drop by roughly £100,000.
Treasury minister Gavin St Pier said the 'significant investment' underlined the importance placed on maintaining Alderney services.
'While we will be sad to bid farewell to the venerable Trislander fleet, last year's trial demonstrated clearly how much passengers enjoyed the improved experience the Dorniers can offer, featuring more spacious and quieter cabins, with aisleaccess and air conditioning,' he said.
Aurigny CEO Mark Darby, pictured, added that there were also increasing regulatory problems for the existing fleet.