Youth club holds anger management pilot scheme
'PUNCH pads instead of lashing out at others' is the core message of a new anger management scheme for young people.

The Caves Youth Club pilot saw two teenagers take part in a six-week boxing programme, in which they both learnt about the sport and about controlling stress.
Youth centre manager Matt Sawbridge said the pilot scheme would be rolled out to target youngsters who would benefit from it during term time.
'It's important for young people to learn how to deal with anger otherwise it's going to affect their life whether it's at home or at school,' he said.
'Over the course of the programme we've spoken about outbursts and how you can channel your anger appropriately. It's something these two boys have taken to and have done well in.'
For completing the course the two boys have received a year's free membership to a junior boxing club at the Amalgamated Boys Gym.
Jo Packham, 13, said he had fun learning proper footwork and how to upper cut.
'We've also learnt about anger management and ways of coping,' he said.
'Whenever I get angry I'm going to think about boxing and then use it when I'm boxing.'