HSSD and Education set for £7.5m. overspend
A COMBINED overspend of over £7.5m. is predicted from two of Guernsey's biggest departments, Health and Social Services and Education, sparking calls for urgent action and review.

After the drastic overspends were revealed yesterday, Treasury and Resources minister Gavin St Pier backed calls for a fundamental review of HSSD, which is projected to overspend by between £4.5m. and £5m.
However, the Treasury minister said that first the department, with the support of T&R, must focus on bringing in much-needed financial controls and filling vital positions in a bid to bring its spending under control.
HSSD minister Mark Dorey, pictured, said the department remained committed to maximising efficiency within health and social care, but it needed to do so with budgets that were realistic and appropriate for meeting islanders' needs.