Frossard House leaky roof needs repairs
LEAKS in the roof of Sir Charles Frossard House have become so severe they have caused rainwater and tiles to fall onto desks, Treasury and Resources has said.
The department revealed the extent of the damage as it proposed major roof repairs to be included urgently in the States' capital investment portfolio.
It is one of several new 'emergency and urgent' projects outlined by the department, which is asking for delegated authority to approve the work.
It said the roof repairs were earmarked for a later round of capital prioritisation, starting from 2018, but recent leaks had meant urgent action was needed.
'... numerous small leaks have occurred in the roof which have resulted in water ponding above suspended ceilings before giving way with water and ceiling tiles falling onto the desks below,' it said.
'This presents a clear and unacceptable risk to health and safety and therefore repairs are urgently required.
'Having examined all options, it appears that replacing the roof covering immediately along with redesigning the valley flows, which have been the cause of water ingress in specific severe wind and rainy conditions, will represent the best overall value for money for the States.'
Treasury has not detailed how much the repairs are expected to cost.