Stopping import of milk 'takes away the freedom of choice'
GUERNSEY Dairy is 'strengthening its monopoly' through the industry review report, a disgruntled shop owner has said.
Nigel Staples, pictured, launched the stinging attack on the Commerce and Employment review because of the proposal it contained to tighten milk import laws.
This would threaten his ability to sell English milk at Pound World Plus and Barras Convenience Centre.
It was, he said, taking choice out of the hands of the consumer and ensuring they paid a higher price for their milk.
'This is a backwards step, and they're talking about moving forward.
'This is a farce, a mockery and is badly thought out. We sell pallets-full of English milk every week, it outsells Guernsey milk by three to one.
'It is £1.85 for two litres and over the course of a year that could save a family £300 to £400.
'I just don't think it is well thought through, how would they police that? Would people have their cars searched for milk when coming back on the ferry?'
Mr Staples said he was 'operating under EU law' which allowed him to get around the current legislation which prohibits the import of milk.
However, Mr Staples did agree with the report's recommendation to do away with the fixed retail price for milk, arguing it was causing unnecessary waste.