Education vows to avoid complacency over GCSE results
EDUCATION plans to build on the record-breaking success and avoid complacency as pupils celebrated the island's 'best ever' GCSE results yesterday.

Minister Robert Sillars said the 'working relationship' between schools and the department was key in driving up standards, which has seen 67% of students achieve five or more GCSEs or Level 2 equivalent qualifications, including
English and mathematics, at grade C or above. This compares with last year's figure of 59% of students achieving the so-called 'gold standard'.
Success stories include La Mare De Carteret High School, which reversed last year's dip, by securing 41% at this benchmark – up from 23%. St Sampson's and Les Beaucamps high schools also achieved much-improved performances against the 'gold standard' – the former rising from 33% to 52%, with the latter increasing from 41% in 2013 to 52% this year.
Deputy Sillars congratulated all Guernsey's pupils, but vowed that complacency would not creep in.