Self-evaluation inspection of Education to be carried out
EDUCATION has recently announced it will undergo a self-evaluating inspection with visiting assessors from Scotland scrutinising how the department has rated itself.

Minister Robert Sillars, pictured, has pledged that the independent inspection process from Education Scotland would be 'rigorous', 'evidence-based' and 'pull no punches' despite it seeing all the sections of the department judging their own performance.
Deputy Sillars said the department would have to provide hard evidence and proof to back its findings and these judgements would be scrutinised rigorously and challenged by the inspectors when they visit early next year.
The assessors would then provide a 'warts and all' independent report, particularly focused on capacity for improvement, according to the department, which said it was still finalising a fee with Education Scotland.
'The self assessment is very similar to what we have at the schools, which works very well,' said Deputy Sillars. 'We, as Education, will say where we think we are – from excellence downwards.
'When the inspectors come in they inspect why we think we are at that level and what evidence we provide to show we are at that level. It will be evidence-based.
'Education Scotland told us it will be rigorous and it will not pull any punches.'