Parents of 120 children are asked to swap chosen school
PARENTS of 120 children that are due to attend Castel Primary and Notre Dame du Rosaire Catholic Primary are being asked whether they would agree to let their child go elsewhere, as Education looks to confirm places for the new school year in September.

It emerged that both schools are oversubscribed when Education confirmed the number of applications exceeded the maximum class size of 28.
Castel Primary, which has two Reception classes, had also received a number of out of catchment area school requests taking it past its capacity.
Both Notre Dame and St Mary & St Michael Catholic Primary operate an island-wide catchment but the latter had significant spare space.
As a result, Education has written to all parents who applied to either of the schools 'offering' them the chance to switch.
The department anticipated only a small proportion would accept the move.
If the number of applications still exceeded the amount of places, a final decision on which pupils move would be based on how close they are to alternative schools and on the balance of numbers across schools.