Building trade slams La Mare site delay
GUERNSEY'S construction industry has condemned the latest delays to the £60m. La Mare project and the States's 'totally inefficient' procurement process.

The Guernsey Building Trade Employers' Association, which represents over 100 firms and contractors, yesterday hit out at Education and Treasury for not ironing out its differences at the very outset and warned the construction industry, along with pupils, would be the first to the feel the pain of the delays.
The association said the original timing of the projects had been seen as a significant shot in the arm for the industry, which was suffering a severe shortage of work, with two of the largest employers recently announcing redundancies within their workforces.
'Whilst the GBTEA and the construction industry in general are not looking for government handouts, we do expect the States to act as best-practice employers,' it said.
'A review of the way in which local government procured construction projects prior to 2005 identified the need for long-term planning and capital prioritisation measures in order to work towards a timely release of capital spend projects to avoid inflationary pressures.
'Sadly it appears that some 10 years down the line this is not being implemented.'