Grammar closure doubts 'damaging pupil learning'
UNCERTAINTY surrounding the future of the Grammar School is affecting pupils' education as they fear the school will be shut down, the PTA vice-president has warned.

Gordon Snell's comments came as a row broke out between Education and Treasury after the latter met the Grammar Parent Teachers' Association earlier this week, ahead of a States report on Tuesday.
The report will outline Education's plan for the redevelopment of La Mare de Carteret schools and address recommendations to close one secondary school, but Treasury's interference has angered the Education minister.
Deputy Treasury and Resources minister Jan Kuttelwascher has been quick to defend his board and minister, saying it was invited to meet the PTA and, rather than ignoring the invitation, the board had responded in a 'positive way'.
Fears of big changes, including the possibility of the school moving, have been rife since the meeting.
Mr Snell said the PTA had wanted to speak to Treasury members to get answers to a raft of questions that were causing concern to pupils, parents and teachers. However, despite the meeting, there was still much more to be answered, he added.
In a statement released to the media yesterday, Education minister Deputy Robert Sillars indicated his dismay at Treasury's actions and disclosures.