Guernsey Press

GcMaf creator in One Show interview bust-up

GCMAF took centre stage on prime time television last night, as popular-magazine programme The One Show came to Guernsey.


In an ill-tempered interview in which he was challenged on all the substance's claims – that it can cure cancer, HIV and autism – David Noakes, pictured, sought to make a robust defence of the product and his role in the company.

A qualified doctor travelled to the island as a reporter to meet people who had taken the so-called miracle cure, and after meeting a group of patients. After hearing heart-rending stories from users – including one woman who said it was her 'only chance' for survival – the reporter met and questioned Mr Noakes, referring to GcMaf as 'unproven, unlicensed and potentially contaminated', following the UK regulator, The Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency, raiding its facilities in Cambridgeshire. The regulator is investigating the substance and its import into Guernsey is banned.

Following a dismissal of his claim that GcMaf could cure pancreatic cancer, Mr Noakes, who had already left the interview room once, said: 'I think that was a horrible interview and frankly I would like to scrub the whole thing. I don't think you gave me a chance,' before moving over to the camera and attempting to remove the tape.

When the cameraman refused, Mr Noakes said he would, 'smash it up', before relenting.

To watch the One Show interview visit

The report GcMaf appears at 15.15 and 33.40.

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