GHA moving quickly on seven sites
SEVEN potential sites for new homes are under investigation by the Guernsey Housing Association, with hopes that planning applications could be submitted this autumn.
But the association will need to move quickly, because the sites are unlikely to get planning permission under the new Island Development Plan, which is set to be introduced next year.
The GHA has been struggling to find new sites for social housing, but after discussions with the Housing Department, Environment Department and States Property Services, 10 were flagged up as possibilities.
Three have been discounted, but surveys are under way on the remaining seven.
'We need to do this before the new plan comes about,' said GHA development manager Phil Roussel, pictured.
Under existing planning laws sites can be built on if they are rounding off another housing development, but the new development law does not have this rule. This has led to the GHA prioritising the seven sites over the housing target areas.
Three of the sites are privately owned vineries – on La Vallee Road and Rue Jehannet in St Martin's and near Les Chemin des Monts in Castel.