'Fix bathing pools' urge La Vallette swimmers
REGULAR users of the La Vallette Bathing Pools say the whole area needs updating and that some of the crumbling steps are a safety risk to children.
Culture and Leisure said that repair work to rectify damage (from last year's severe storms) to the horseshoe and gents' pools, as well as the fixing of broken surfaces elsewhere on the site, would cost around £200,000.
While the ladies' and children's pools re-opened later in 2014 after some initial repair work, the gents' and the horseshoe pools still remain officially closed.
Brian Chapman, 70, took issue with the fact that the leak in the ladies' pool was still yet to be fixed, donning it as 'disgraceful'.
'When the tide goes out water leaks from the main pool so that it goes down by around 1m more than it should.
'It's unsafe for people who want to jump in or who might underestimate how deep the water really is.'