Education review finds communication weakness
EDUCATION is under pressure to improve its communication and consultation with parents as well as its approach to ensuring all children and young people are included, in an external report released today.

As part of the independent inspection carried out by Education Scotland, the Education Department scored 'weak' in two quality indicators, 'satisfactory' in six and 'good' in three.
However, Education Minister, Deputy Robert Sillars said that the department was only half-way through its 'Vision for Education' and the marks reflected its journey.
'I am quite pleased with the evaluations,' he said.
'It shows we are well on the right way for the benefit of the whole of our island's education.
'It is not a whitewash and I see it as a springboard for another step forward.
'We really know what we can do to do better, and we are already doing a lot of it.'
Within the report, a number of strengths were identified, including improvements in performance, the quality of services and positive impacts on learning.
However, among the two areas highlighted as having significant weaknesses was inclusion, equality and fairness.