Address traffic problems, Environment board tells Admiral Park developers
TRAFFIC problems around Admiral Park must be addressed before any further development can take place, the Environment Department said at an open planning meeting yesterday.

The outline planning application was approved by the four board members to allow the redevelopment of four pieces of land, which could one day house a doctor's surgery, cinema, hotel, nursery, homes and office space.
But despite a green travel plan for the area and changes proposed to road layout, the politicians were still concerned about traffic.
At present, cars exiting onto the seafront are squeezed into one lane until they almost reach the traffic light junction.
The Traffic Services Unit said junctions in the area were already operating at capacity or over during the morning rush hour.
An application with 634 spaces was approved in 2013, but the latest application reduces this to 470, although there would also be bike-parking, car-share spaces and a bus shelter.