Battle lines drawn over pre-schooling for all
UNIVERSAL pre-school will be the next battleground between Education and Treasury, after the two could not agree on funding options.

Despite nearly three-quarters of the Assembly voting in March 2014 for 15 hours of pre-school education for three- to four-year-olds to be introduced, and a working party set up between the two departments to work out the details, Treasury has decided not to approve the £2.2m. needed for it, rejecting an Education plan which they say would require no new money.
The blanket refusal – all T&R board members vetoed the idea – has left Education Minister Robert Sillars deeply unhappy as he prepares to do battle with Treasury for once more standing in the way of a plan he submitted.
'This should not be a controversial subject. If we were trying to do something ahead of the curve and ahead of the rest of the world, then I would understand the natural resistance. But when other civilised jurisdictions are increasing their allowance, I do not understand it. I am very disappointed, and will do my very best to get this through the States, I will be giving a passionate speech.'