CFE moves closer to single site
THE College of Further Education campus at Delancey could be vacated in 2017 as it works towards bringing all its students onto a single site.

Deputies backed proposals to keep the scheme in the captial prioritisation process, much to the relief of principal Saboohi Famili, who was sitting in the public gallery for the debate.
'I'm extremely pleased,' she said.
'It was great to see so many of them supporting the college. It means we can carry the scheme forward.'
The States granted £5.5m. to the project in 2013 and since then the college has been planning how to consolidate its sites.
'Over the last 20 years we've moved out of five sites and we are now operating out of three,' Ms Famili said.
'What we've ended up with is whatever closed secondary school site that's been given to us, without the support funding to make it suitable for post-16 education.'