Chief Pleas: 'Sark has a commitment to democracy'
SARK faces 'challenges' that its government continues to address, like any other democratic jurisdiction its politicians said yesterday.

A statement from Chief Pleas' Policy and Performance, and Finance and Resources committees, outlined positive strides within Sark, but came at the same time as others claimed that the economic struggles were 'plain to see'.
'Universal suffrage on Sark, with one conseiller for every 15 residents and an enviable turnout of around 80% at elections, demonstrates Sark's commitment to democracy,' said the Chief Pleas statement.
'There is no budget deficit and the government holds a reasonable level of reserves, no overall increase in taxation for the coming year (and reduction for some islanders).
'Sark's government is engaging with all businesses on the island. Tourism visitor numbers are up on the last two years, Isle of Sark Shipping, fully owned by the island, is under new management and is expected to be debt-free next year and is currently trading in profit.'