Only a few turn out for supported living meeting
PEOPLE were thin on the ground last night at the first public meeting about the Supported Living and Ageing Well Strategy.
Despite publicity and reports outlining the cost of the island adapting to the demographic time-bomb, fewer than 20 people turned out on a rainy January night to discuss just how the challenge might be met.
Those who did turn up were treated to a presentation, before being able to ask questions of the working party set up to investigate how tomorrow's community will deal with the needs of the elderly.
The need to keep people working beyond retirement age was one issued raised, as it would be better not only for the island in terms of tax take, but for the person themselves.
It was a statement with which Chief Minister Deputy Jonathan Le Tocq agreed.
'We do need to incentivise people to work, but most of the people I come across want to work beyond retirement age.'
The wider community would also have to adapt and play its role, the audience was told, but it was pointed out to the panel that this was a two-way street, and people needed to know what services were available.