Former high school pupil warns of 11-plus division
STRESS, anxiety and separation is being inflicted on children through the 11-plus, some people warned last night, as the island's divided views on scrapping it were once again laid bare.

A cry of 'Who do you think you are?' faced Education over its plans to scrap the Grammar School in its current form, but support for the department was signalled in equal measure at the second public meeting, with calls for 'greater equality' through its far-reaching and radical proposals.
One of the biggest rounds of applause came for Grace Shearer, 16, a former St Sampson's High pupil, who spoke about the negative impact the 11-plus could have on children, including the pressure on them.
Another audience member, Chris Robilliard, warned of the stress and anxiety that could be caused by the 11-plus.
Other members of the public, however, raised concerns over the impact of Education's key proposals.
One parent in the audience said: 'I feel all my choices are being taken away because my children, unless I choose to pay for them to go to one of the colleges, have to go to the high school.'
Education board member Peter Sherbourne said it wanted the highest possible standards for all children in the island through its plans.
'We are looking in a holistic way. Looking at the best way to maximise opportunities for all our children right the way through,' he said.