Selecting children aged 11 is 'quite dangerous' – reformer
A DEMAND for top quality teachers will increase if an all-ability secondary education system is introduced, an education advisor and reformer has said.

Ed Fidoe, who was in the island yesterday for the third annual TedxStPeterPort, was giving his views about selection following Education's proposals to overhaul the secondary system, including scrapping the 11-plus and moving to one all-ability school set over four sites.
Mr Fidoe said he did not agree with selection and, in an ideal world, all schools would have highly skilled teachers.
However, he did envisage that there would have to be some setting, particularly in maths and science classes.
'There is evidence that mixed ability can lead to better results in the non-science and maths subjects,' he said.
'But you need a very skilled teacher to teach maths and science in all ability classes.
'Some setting by subject might be better.
'But you don't want to focus too much about the structure – it's the skills of the teachers that make the difference.'
He said all children could achieve, while all developed at different times.
'I think to separate at 11 is quite dangerous.'