Close decision expected on whether the 11-plus stays
THE future of the 11-plus is balanced on a knife edge today, as Education minister Robert Sillars calls on his political colleagues to consider the impact of selection on the island's children.

Heated debate will continue this morning on the future of selection as part of Education's far-reaching proposals for secondary education, after attempts to delay decisions were thrown out by the States yesterday.
The heavy defeat of Deputy Mary Lowe's sursis – a delaying motion – allowed deputies to move on to debate Education's proposals, and a series of amendments led by Treasury minister Gavin St Pier, which first will see them decide on the future of the 11-plus today.
After yesterday's debate and some impassioned speeches, Deputy Sillars said he anticipated a close vote.
'I think this will be a close decision,' he said. 'We always knew there were divisions within society, divisions within the States over the 11-plus.'