Patrols at ports to be increased
EXTRA police and border agency officers are to be deployed at the harbour and airport to reassure the public and maintain vigilance, it has been announced.
Following the terrorist attacks on Brussels earlier this week, a Law Enforcement spokesman said it regularly reviewed the local threat level and the island's security measures.
While the threat level, both locally and in the UK, had not changed in the wake of the recent attacks, as a precaution there would be an increase in law enforcement patrols at the harbour and airport over the coming days.
'These officers are being deployed to reassure the public and maintain vigilance,' the spokesman said.
'The decision is not in relation to any specific information or intelligence.
'We will keep our response under review.
He urged the public to be alert but not alarmed.
'Information received from the public can play a pivotal role so we would encourage islanders to report anything suspicious to 725111. Suspicious activity is anything that seems out of place, unusual or just doesn't seem to fit in with day-to-day life.'